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A Media Festival Celebrating Free Expression and Democracy

as Foundation and Fuel to the Philippine Creative Economy

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AUGUST 23-24, 2024


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DAY 1, August 23




8:00 to 9:00 ​a.m.


9:00 to 9:10 ​a.m.

National Anthem and Invocation

Quezon City Performing Arts Development Foundation

Preliminaries and Introduction of Convenors

Atom Araullo, Fyt Media Co-founder and President

9:10 to 9:15


Welcome Remarks

President Angelo ‘Jijil’ Jimenez

University of the Philippines

9:15 to 9:20


Welcome Remarks

Hon. Mayor Joy Belmonte

Quezon City

9:20 to 9:40 ​a.m.

Opening Keynote:

Kara David

Chair, Department of Journalism, UP College of Mass Communication; and GMA News

To be introduced by Roby Alampay, Founder and Chairman of PumaPodcast

9:40 to 10:20


Celebrating Free Expression, Democracy and the Creative Economy

Why are we here? QC Mayor Joy Belmonte, UP President Jijil Jimenez, Probe Founder Cheche Lazaro, award-winning filmmaker Mark Meilly, and Drag ​Race Philippines Season 3 contender and content creator Your Tita Baby discuss the importance not only of creatives and storytellers to our economy, ​but of democracy and free expression as foundation and fuel to every Filipino’s individual and collective aspirations. Discussion to be moderated by ​journalist and PumaPodcast founder Roby Alampay

10:20 to 11:20 ​a.m.

Understanding the Filipino: As audience, consumer, citizen

What drives and inspires Filipinos? Data-driven insights from across creative industries. DDB Creative Director and Ms. Universe Philippines Creative ​Head Paolo Arevalo, DAKILA and Active Vista Director Leni Velasco, Youthled Chief of Party Ching Jorge, and Ticket2Me Founder Darwin Mariano take ​part in a facilitated “insighting session” to help establish some baseline understanding of our people and communities. To be facilitated by Marie Pascual ​and Diane Chua, DDB

11:30 a.m. to ​12:30 p.m.

When We Tell Stories Together: ​Understanding and telling the ​story of BARMM - beyond the ​headlines

Creatives, not just media, are urgently needed ​for one of the most important chapters in ​BARMM, Mindanao, and Philippine history.

Bobby Timonera, Editor in Chief, MindaNews; ​Faydiyah Akmad-Alfonso, Bangsamoro ​Multimedia Network; Chef Miguel Cabel ​Moreno, owner of Palm Grill Restaurant ​(accredited by the Department of Tourism for ​serving authentic cuisine from Southern ​Mindanao); and Anak Datu producer-director ​and former CCP Director Chris Millado. ​Moderator: Ed Lingao, TV5 and One News ​Anchor

When We Tell Stories Together:

Food for Filipino Aspirations …. And ​the (Inevitable) Politics of Eating:

The food industry is also part of the Creative ​Economy. But it’s not just about restaurants ​and bars and cafes, but about the entire value ​chain, from farms to tables and homes across ​the economic spectrum of our country. Chefs ​Waya Araos, Lao Castillo, and food pantry ​champion Patreng Non say that if you are ​aware of the history and story of our food, you ​will be aware of the story, struggles, and ​aspirations of our people as well, and ​everything it takes for them to survive and ​thrive. Moderator: Chef Gelo Guison


Fact-Checking is not just for ​journalists

Probe and Vera Files will walk us through basic ​fact-checking methods and accessible tools ​that students and citizens can use to debunk ​falsehoods. They will zoom in on identifying ​visual clues, spotting red flags in social media ​accounts and websites, and using reverse ​image searching to verify information they ​encounter online. Quezon City PIO Head Bert ​Apostol will zero in on climate disinformation ​and how an all-of-society approach is needed ​to combat it. 

12:20 to 1:20 ​p.m.





1:30 to 1:50 ​p.m.

The Power of Sing-along-ing:

Behind Piliin Mo ang Pilipinas, Bro, Ikaw Ang Star ng Pasko, Just Love, and all those hit jingles from ABS-CBN is the legend of Robert Labayen, head of ABS-​CBN Creative Communications Management. He shares not only tips and tricks for making catchy tunes, but also what he’s learned through his decades ​of hearing Filipinos singing, humming, and dancing along to his compositions—in the best and the worst of times.

2:00 to 3:00 ​p.m.

How to be storytellers and content ​creatives for good

Ethics and responsibility no longer sit ​exclusively with traditional media. But ​Mathilda Airlines, Your Tita Baby, and ​Probe remind, “With great power….”

ECPAT Philippines will also give ethical ​guidelines for content creators when ​dealing with child subjects and preventing ​online abuse and exploitation of children.

Moderator: Jen Aquino, Probe

Speed Dat(a)ing:

Who says it’s hard to get data in ​the Philippines?

Journalists, researchers, academics, and ​students are in for a feast of digitized ​information in this rapid-fire session. From ​government agencies, private think tanks, ​research groups, development agencies, and ​even ordinary citizens – come listen iin, take ​notes, and leave with loads of data – Digital, ​Free, and Available RIGHT NOW!

Facilitator: Roby Alampay

MAKILAHOK Workshop Session: ​#LyfSaver - Reporting Verified ​and Actionable Information and ​Stories Before, During, and After ​Disasters

This technical workshop led by Fyt Media ​delves into the critical role of accurate ​information and storytelling in disaster ​preparedness and response.

Together with Project NOAH and the Quezon ​City Government, the workshop will equip ​young community leaders, science ​communicators, and volunteers with the skills ​to report verified and actionable information ​and how to leverage social media and other ​platforms before, during, and after disasters, ​ensuring that communities stay informed and ​resilient.

3:10 to

4:20 p.m.

The State and Future of AI for ​Media, Storytellers and Creatives

Data Scientist and Council on AI Research ​Head Erika Legara, Microsoft Head of ​Communications Josh Aquino, Former GMA ​News Online Chief and Nieman Fellow ​Jaemark Tordecilla discuss the most ​disruptive technology this century, and what it ​all already means for creatives and the Filipino ​audience.

This session will also discuss the current and ​emerging copyright guidelines that all content ​producers need to bear in mind, especially ​when using AI.

Moderator: Roby Alampay

Humor as Power

And it’s always been true in the Philippines: ​from politics to advocating for truth and ​justice, representation and equality, ​cartoonists, humorists, and comedians have ​time and again stepped up when things need ​to be said.

Ali Sangalang, Creative Director of Pinoy ​Meme Shirt Brand Linya-Linya, Drag Race ​Philippines Season 1 Contender Brigiding ​Aricheta, and Stand Up Comedian Issa ​Villaverde (@issaberds).

Moderator: Carl Javier, PumaPodcast

Understanding and working with ​media, and government ​communicators

What should you do in a media interview or ​when speaking before a crowd? Probe ​Productions and Probe Media Foundation will ​provide techniques for preparing mentally and ​physically for an interview or a public speaking ​engagement. This session will include lessons ​for dealing with different kinds of journalists, ​methods for controlling an interview, and tips ​on what to do in interview situations for TV, ​radio, print, or online/social media so that you ​can deliver your message effectively.

4:30 to 5:45 ​p.m.

Gender bias in AI and the Digital ​World: How to fix it

All the world’s digital platforms and content, ​and the AI, machine-learning, algorithms, and ​language models running the same – they have ​all been trained on decades and even ​centuries of gender-biased content. As in the ​real world, correction and representation in ​the virtual are powerful and necessary. Head ​of the inter-agency council on AI Research ​Erika Legara, and content creators Liz Lanuzo ​and Ceej Tantengco talk about how their own ​advocacies for representation in text, images, ​and digital content, need more, and more ​aware, allies.

Moderator: Pola del Monte, @misschiefeditor

Creatives, trauma and recovery in ​Philippine Society

UP President Jijil Jimenez has made wellness ​part of his core advocacies during his term. ​Artists and creatives are critical to any holistic ​program, not just for individuals, but also for ​societal recovery and resilience, say, in a ​disaster-prone country like the Philippines.

Music therapist Althea Tolentino, UP College ​of Human Kinetics’ Dr. Albert Dimarucut, ​writer Patricia Evangelista, and CANVAS ​Director Gigo Alampay discuss how ​storytellers and creatives in music, literature, ​journalism, arts, and even sports are playing a ​role in everything from psychological first aid ​to mental health for stressed out individuals - ​all the way to communities traumatized by ​calamities, whether natural or man-made.

Moderator: Divine Salvador, Director UP ​PsycServ, UP Department of Psychology

How do I connect with audiences?

Amid news avoidance and decreased trust in ​the media, as well as deprioritization of news ​content by social media platforms, how can ​journalists and content producers make news ​and stories more engaging? PumaPodcast and ​Fyt share tips and practical tools that have ​worked for them in reaching and engaging their ​target audiences.

5:45 to 6:00 ​p.m.




DAY 2, August 24




9:00 to 9:10 ​a.m.

Recap of Day 1, Rundown of Day 2

9:10 to 9:30 a.m.

Action! How Civic Movements + Celebrity = Power

YesPinoy Foundation and Aktor Chair Dingdong Dantes acknowledges the pivotal role celebrities can play to amplify advocacies and mobilize social action. ​Dingdong, a former National Youth Commission member and NDRRMC digital humanitarian, will share insights on how the power of platform and influence ​can be harnessed to mobilize the youth and communities, drive solidarity, and save lives. He will also present #LyfSaver, a disaster resilience and climate ​action community powered by UP Noah’s hazard maps, FYT’s crowdsourcing platform, and YesPinoy’s disaster response training program.

9:40 to 10:40 ​a.m.

Titos and Titas on TikTok

You can do it! In fact, you SHOULD do it - ​lean into the platforms and content ​formats where Filipinos (the youth ​especially) are. Atty. Chel Diokno, ​Mighty Magulang, and UP Econ prof JC ​Punongbayan impart insights, lessons, ​and some tips and tricks, from some of ​the unlikeliest “influencers” on how to ​meet the audience where they are (and ​no, it’s not just on Tiktok.)

Moderator: Marc Logan

Cybersecurity and Digital Safety in the ​AI Age

Microsoft Philippines’ Josh Aquino, Philippine ​Computer Emergency Response Team Coordinating ​Center (PHCERT) Director Albert Dela Cruz, Ateneo ​Asian Center for Journalism Executive Director Luz ​Rimban, and cybersecurity expert Bobby Soriano ​discuss security and safety in the digital space– and ​what new threats AI present, especially as we head ​into another election cycle. Moderator: John Nery, ​Rappler

LGU Best Practices on Information ​Dissemination and Successful ​Collaborations with the Creative ​Sector and the Media

Moderator: Quezon City PAISD

10:50 a.m. to ​12:00 p.m.

Creative Investments: Models ​for supporting independent ​media, and for enabling a ​sustainable and reliable ​information ecosystem

A creative economy needs money. It also ​needs reliable information. Private ​investor James Pacaba of Morningtide ​Capital Partners, PBSP Executive ​Director Elvin Ivan Uy, International ​Business Advisor Danny Yong, and Roby ​Alampay of IMS join in an all-of-society ​conversation on supporting and ​sustaining free, viable, truthful, and ​impactful media, and the larger ​information ecosystem society needs. ​Moderator: Quintin Pastrana


The Power of Stories to Lead ​Conversations and Drive Change

Come join an interactive session with Andrei Venal, ​J-mee Katanyag, and Marlon Rivera that will ​demonstrate how minds work - and how they can ​become stubborn, or how they can in fact change. ​To be facilitated by DAKILA Philippine Collective for ​Modern Heroism and the Philippine Theater ​Educational Association (PETA).

Avoiding News Avoidance:

How to tell stories that empower

How do journalists and content producers ​overcome the phenomenon of news avoidance ​while staying true to their watchdog role? Henrik ​Grunnet, award-winning Danish journalist and ​Senior Media Advisor of International Media ​Support, will discuss the constructive approach to ​journalism with Fyt Media

1:30 to 2:50 ​p.m.

When We Tell Stories ​Together: An international ​Panel on Cross-sectoral ​collaborations for public ​interest content

Journalists and organizations from ​other countries in Asia will ​demonstrate that stories are more ​engaging and powerful when the ​media works with other sectors. They ​will also showcase the impact of such ​collaborations.

Jin Ding, Initium

Lahiru Mudalige, Hari TV Sri Lanka

Eva Danayanti, IMS Indonesia

Adnan Rehmat, IMS Pakistan

Moderator: Omar Rajarathnam, IMS ​Sri Lanka

Podcasting in the Philippines

Join PumaPodcast CEO and host of “A Better ​Normal”, and and podcast hosts Stanley Chi of ​"Underpaid", Baus Rufo of “Beke Nemen”, and ​Myrza Sison of 'You Can Do This” as they discuss ​the rise of podcasts, their experience in creating ​them, and what gets them excited every time they ​turn on their mics.

Moderator: Ceej Tantengco, PumaPodcast

Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Aspiring ​Content Creators

Dr. Carlo Trinidad (@hellokidneymd), Riyan ​Portuguez (@yourmillennialpsych), and Lolita ​Lachica of Probe Productions will give pointers ​on accessible equipment, tools, and apps as well ​as tips and tricks for making engaging vlogs and ​other forms of content for social media.

Moderator: Julie Nealega, Probe Archives

2:50 to 3:00




3:00 to 4:00 ​p.m.


Creatives will save the Philippines!

Creatives can help Filipinos design and perform their way out of every mess we’re in – from traffic to pollution, and even violence and corruption.

Liza Diño-Seguerra, Quezon City Film Commission

Landscape architect and urban reform champion Paolo Alcazaren, PGAA Creative Design

Jeryc Garcia, Multimedia Arts Program, College of Saint Benilde

4:00 to 4:15 ​p.m.


6:00 to 8:00 ​p.m.


(** By invitation only: organizers, speakers, sponsors, friends)

About the

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MAKI+Fiesta is a two-day media festival celebrating free expression and democracy as the cornerstone of the ​Philippine creative economy. Taking place on August 23-24, 2024, at the University of the Philippines and in ​collaboration with the Quezon City Government, this festival aims to unite a vibrant community of artists, ​storytellers, creators, and innovators. With a dynamic lineup that includes keynotes, plenary sessions, ​workshops, seminars, networking opportunities, film screenings, art exhibits, and pop-up performances, ​MAKI+Fiesta highlights the vital role that creativity and democratic values play in driving societal and economic ​progress.

The festival is a collaborative effort led by the Quezon City Government in partnership with the University of ​the Philippines, International Media Support, and three prominent independent media organizations: Probe ​Productions, FYT Media, and PumaPodcast.

Together, these partners—QC, UP, IMS, Probe, FYT, and PumaPodcast—have curated a rich and diverse program ​designed to engage a broad audience invested in media, performing and visual arts, cultural and heritage ​promotion, public and private communications, food, fashion, and other creative sectors.

This partnership aims to deepen the understanding of free expression and democracy as essential drivers of a ​thriving creative economy. MAKI+Fiesta showcases the incredible talents within the creative sector while ​encouraging collaboration and active participation to inspire positive change.

When and where will the ​festival take place?

The festival will be held on August 23-24, 2024, at the ​University of the Philippines in Diliman. Sessions will ​be held across three venues: The IBG-KAL Gimenez ​Theater, the adjacent Gimenez Gallery, and the ​Aldaba Theater. All these facilities are within 200 ​meters of each other along Magsaysay Avenue in UP ​Diliman. (Gimenez Theater and Gimenez Gallery, where ​registration opens at 8:30AM on August 23, is right ​across the street from the Molave Residence Hall.)

What can I expect from ​MAKI+Fiesta?

MAKI+Fiesta will feature a diverse range of activities ​including keynotes, plenary sessions, workshops, ​seminars, networking opportunities, and pop-up ​performances.

What are the main themes of the festival?

Free Expression and Democracy:

Discussions on the importance of free expression and ​democratic values in fostering a vibrant creative ​economy.

Creative Economy:

Insights into how creativity drives economic growth ​and innovation.

Technology and Innovation:

Exploring the impact of AI, data, and emerging ​technologies on the creative industries.

Collaborative Creativity:

Encouraging cross-sectoral collaborations to drive ​social and economic progress.

Ethics and Responsibility:

Addressing the ethical considerations in content ​creation and storytelling.

These themes are reflected along three main ​tracks of our programmed sessions:

MAKI+Balita / MAKI+Alam

Truth-based information, storytelling, and content creation; discussing ​impact and potentials, but also ethics and shared responsibilities .

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AI, Disinformation, evolving platforms, new tools and systems affecting all ​creative sectors


When we tell stories together, across all our sectors, communities, and ​industries as content creatives, there is no limit to the impact and good we ​can envision.

Why is the ​festival called ​"MAKI+Fiesta"?

Why is it ​important to ​celebrate free ​expression and ​democracy?

What makes this ​festival unique?

MAKI+Fiesta stands out for its focus ​on the intersection of creativity, ​democracy, and innovation. It aims ​to engage a wide audience, ​particularly the youth, and foster a ​sense of stakeholdership in their ​rights and the creative economy. ​The festival's collaborative ​approach, combining the efforts of ​various sectors and disciplines, ​makes it a groundbreaking event.

"MAKI+Fiesta" is a nod to the ​University of the Philippines' ​tradition of activism ​("Makibaka!"), updated to ​reflect a more open, innovative, ​and constructive engagement ​with today's Filipino youth. The ​"+Fiesta" signifies the diverse ​activities and community ​engagement opportunities the ​festival offers.

Free expression and democracy ​are essential pillars of a strong ​and vibrant creative economy. ​They enable artists and creators ​to freely express their ideas, ​innovate, and contribute to ​societal progress. Celebrating ​these values helps to ensure a ​healthy, dynamic, and inclusive ​creative sector.


Check out the UP Diliman Jeepney Map and Activity Map!

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